An error log is a collection of info which includes all the errors and warnings encountered by the readers on your sites. Numerous examples of what you could find in this kind of a log are: broken links which lead to non-existing files, pages which were not processed correctly by the web server, which caused an error/warning message for the visitor, and attempts from unauthorized IP addresses to get to the website or its administrator area. Each and every entry inside the error log offers the exact time and date the event occurred, the visitor’s IP, the specific directory path inside the hosting account to the website or file that had a difficulty and the root cause for the error to appear to begin with. Reviewing an error log will permit you to locate and resolve problems on your site, which can enhance the efficiency of the site and the users’ experience.

Error Log Viewer in Cloud Hosting

You can switch on the generation of error logs without any difficulty if you buy a cloud hosting solution from us. A whole section inside the Hepsia CP, provided with the accounts, is devoted to the logs and enabling this function requires literally just a mouse click. After you navigate to this section, you'll see all the hosts you have within the account, including your domains and subdomains, including those that you may have created to test a site before it goes live. You just have to click on the On button for the ones you want to be closely watched by our system and it will start generating error logs almost immediately. To turn off the function, you'll simply have to click the exact same button again. Every single error log could be downloaded and saved to your desktop or notebook at any time, even if you have deactivated the function.

Error Log Viewer in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting CP, provided with each semi-dedicated server account, will allow you to accumulate raw web server info concerning the errors on your websites and also to download it as a log file without difficulty. An in-depth list of all the domains hosted within the account, as well as of all the subdomains created inside it, shall be available within the Control Panel and with only a click on the On button on the right-hand side of each one of them, you shall be able to enable the log generation independently for every Internet site. To disable the function, just click the same exact button once again. A Download link beside the button in question will enable you to save the accumulated info as a text file and, if necessary, to process it on your personal computer with special software, so that you can take advantage of user-friendly charts and tables which will make it simpler for you to recognize and resolve common problems on your Internet sites.